Diagnostic Ultrasound
Sound waves having frequency more than
20,000 Hz are called ultrasounds because they are not audible to the human ear.
Frequencies between 1 to 10 MHz are mainly used for the purpose of diagnostic
ultrasound. This diagnostic technique uses the pulse-echo principle for imaging.
The piezoelectric crystals present
in the transducer/probe of the ultrasound machine have the duel properties i.e.
(a) first, they produce sound waves which travel through the body and then
either absorbed, scattered or reflected back when they strike with any
surface/interface (b) they change the reflected sound waves into electric
impulses which then are displayed on the screen after processing.
- Absorption: when the energy of sound waves has absorbed the tissue, they can’t return to the probe. This forms the principle for therapeutic ultrasound.
- Reflection: sound waves after striking an interface return back towards the transducer and collected there by the piezoelectric crystals. This forms the principle for diagnostic ultrasound.
- Scattering: when a beam encounters an interface that is irregular and smaller than the sound beam they are scattered in all directions.
Once the beams are reflected and
caught by the transducer these are converted into electrical signals. These
signals are measured and displayed as the measure of the amplitude of echo.
This is known as echo quantification. Different modes are used to visualize
this echo quantification in diagnostic ultrasound i.e. A, B, and M modes.
The frequency of a transducer is
calculated by the times a piezoelectric crystal expands and contracts in one
second. A higher frequency penetrates less far but provides better resolution
while a low frequency penetrates far. In veterinary practice transducers of
3.5, 5, and 7.5 MHz are most commonly used. 7.5 MHz transducer is used for
scanning of very superficial organs while a 5 MHz transducer is used for the
interfaces lying not so deep. 3.5 MHz transducer is used for the scanning of deep-lying structures.
are the main types of transducers used in veterinary practice:
Array: these transducers are prepared in a
rectangular shape having piezoelectric crystals positioned side by side. Each
crystal produces sound waves. The beam thus produced is rectangular in shape
and thus permits a good visualization of superficial surfaces. This type of
transducer is mostly used in veterinary reproduction per rectum
scanning of reproductive organs.
Arrays: in this type of transducer the crystals are
produced in a curvilinear fashion. The beams produced by this type after
emitting from a crystal does not travel in a straight line but expand along its
axis. Thus by placing the transducer on one part we can have the image of the greater
area beneath.
Arrays: these transducers contain a single crystal,
which oscillates or rotates to produce a fan-shaped beam. This type is used for
scanning organs present in the thoracic cavity e.g. heart though a small
contact area.
1. A-Mode
(Amplitude Mode)
In this display system the two
parameters of echoes are displayed i.e. distance from the probe and the
amplitude. The horizontal line shows the distance and the amplitude is
displayed in form of vertical lines.
2. B-Mode (Brightness
In this mode, the amplitude of each
wave is displayed as a white dot on the screen. A two-dimensional image of the
area covered by the beam is produced in this display system. The picture
presents a slice through the body in the plane of the beam.
3. M-Mode
(Motion Mode)
This mode is used for scanning the
moving organs inside the body. It records the position and motion of the echo. The
images thus obtained are moved along a horizontal axis showing the movement of
the structure along that line. A stationary interface e.g. bones will produce a
straight line and a moving interfaces e.g. heart will produce wiggly lines.
should be clipped properly before scanning of an area, because they entrap air between them, which doesn’t allow
ultrasounds to travel.
of gel or oil to minimize the air between the transducer and contact surface
and anesthetize the animal if required to perform the scanning with a free
Keep in
mind proper anatomy of the animal under consideration otherwise you will come out with nothing.
Image interpretation
Images are usually displayed as
white against a black background. Various terms used to describe the image are
as follows:
- Hyperechoic or echogenic:
These present the bright echoes, which appear as a white on
conventional scans. Such images are given by high reflective interfaces such as
- Hypoechoic:
These appear as grey images or dark screens and are by interfaces of
moderate reflection such as soft tissue.
- Anechoic or echolucent:
In the absence of an echo, the image is seen as black. It is
represented by the complete transmission of sound such as though fluids. The image
formed on the scan screen is actually a mixture of the images of different
echoes depending upon the area scanned. Fluids will give an anechoic image as
the sound beam passes uninterrupted.
There is often a normal bright area immediately deep to fluid and
this phenomenon is called acoustic enhancement. Similarly, bone or gas or
mineral deposits reflect the sounds waves totally and the image seen is bright
with no visible structure beneath it. This phenomenon is called acoustic
shadowing and helps in the detection of urinary and biliary stones. Soft tissues
present an image of mixed shades of grey depending upon their proportion of
fat, fibrous tissue, and fluid.
A sonologist should be aware of the
common artifacts to avoid errors in image interpretation. These artifacts are:
- Acoustic Shadows:
These are caused by attenuation or reflection of the
sound beam at an acoustic interface. When this happens, the pulse is unable to
reach the deep interface to produce any echo. In order to cast a shadow, the
interface must reflect a large percentage of the sound beam. The most common
acoustic shadows of clinical significance are those caused by cystic, renal,
and biliary calculi. The gas causes near-total reflection of the beam.
- Reverberation:
The largest sources of
positive artifact echoes that are not real. When the sound beam arrives back at the
transducer, a portion of the sound beam is absorbed by the transducer crystal
to produce a small electrical pulse that records the echo. The remainder,
however, is reflected back into the patient. So the echo bounces back to the
transducer and is again reflected through the patient and back to the
transducer. This process of echo bouncing back and forth between the two
interfaces is known as reverberation.
- Mirror Image:
This effect occurs at highly reflected interfaces.
Returning echoes reach the transducer under a time delay and are registered on
the image as being a highly echogenic interface that is in the path of the
- Comet Tail:
This is caused by a highly reflective interface most
commonly the air-fluid interface. Comet tail occurs most commonly in partially
consolidated lung at the interface between the diaphragm and lung, and at the
interface between the bowel wall and bowel gas.
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