Signs of Estrus/Heat
External signs of estrus
Following are the external signs of heat- Stand to be mounted.
- Micturition (frequent urination), ewe, doe, cow, and buffalo urinate by bending.
- Bellowing (increased vocalization), bleating in case of the goat.
- Less feed intake (due to high amount of estrogen in the blood that causes excitement, and more blood move towards reproductive organs)
- Less milk production (particularly in buffalo; there is engorgement of the teat in case of buffalo).
- Grouping of sexually active cows.
- Females in estrus will be 2-3 times more active.
- Bulling cow behavior (animals become frightened by other animals) and mounting on other animals from any side).
- The slight increase in body temperature.
- Less rumination or regurgitation time.
- Sniffing of the urine of other animals or sniffing/licking of urine by other animals.
- Swollen vulva.
- Scratches and blood streaks in the perianal region.
- Evidence of previous mucus discharge
- Stringing of mucus discharge (clear and transparent).
- White mucus indicates the presence of pus that is evidence of intra-uterine infection, and red mucus indicates ovulation has already taken place.
- Wagging of the tail in goat, flagging of the tail in mare, elevation, or lifting of the tail in cow and buffalo when the male approaches animals.
- Tummification (Vulval swelling and pink vaginal mucosa).
- Male seeking behavior in sheep.
Internal signs of estrus
- The vaginal mucosa is congested, moist, and hyperemic.
- External os of the cervix will be dilated (due to E2 influence).
- Tonic uterine horns.
- Coiling of uterine horns.
- Graffian follicles will be felt on any ovary.
- Corpus Albicans (corpus luteum of the previous cycle) can be felt.
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