Mycological staining

The most common mycological stain is lactophenol blue. Methylene blue can also be used.


  • Fungal culture
  • Ethyl alcohol 
  • lactophenol blue
  • glass slides
  • coverslips
  • inoculation needle
  • dissecting microscope
  • mounting solution.


  1. Examine the molds with the lens or under the dissecting microscope.
  2. Remove a small piece of mycelium with a mounted wire or needle.
  3. Mix with a drop of ethyl alcohol over the slide
  4. When the alcohol is almost evaporated, add a drop of lactophenol blue.
  5. Apply a coverslip and leave for at least 30 min before the examination
  6. To preserve the slide seal the edges with a mounting solution or nail varnish


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