Methods to study anatomy

Two chief methods are employed to study anatomy i.e., Systemic and Topographic.

1. Systemic study

The body is studied in the form of different systems.
The divisions of systemic anatomy are;

I. Osteology

 The description of bones

II. Arthrology

The description of the joints.

III. Myology

The description of the muscles.

IV. Splanchnology

The description of the viscera (soft organs). This includes the following subdivisions of the soft organs of the body.
  • The digestive system
  • The respiratory system
  • The urinary system
  • The male and female reproductive system

V. Angiology

The description of the organs of circulation.

VI. Neurology

The description of the nervous system.

VII. Esthesiology

The description of the sense organs and common integument (Skin).

2. Topographic study

The methods by which the relative positions of various parts of the body are accurately determined.

Topographic terms 

I. Dorsal

Nearer to the top of the body.

II. Ventral

Near to the ground or away from the top of the body.

III. Medial

Nearer to the midline (median plane).

IV. Lateral

Away from the median plane.

V. Cranial

Directed towards the cranial cavity.

VI. Caudal

Directed towards the tail.

VII. Rostral

Directed towards the nose. This term is used only on the skull.

VIII. Proximal

Directed towards the main mass/trunk. This term is applied to the limbs only.

IX. Distal

Directed away from the main mass/trunk. This term is applied to the limbs only.

X. Oral

Directed towards the oral cavity.

XI. Aboral

Directed away from the oral cavity.

XII. Radial & Ulnar

Denote to the medial and lateral sides of the forearm in which Radius and Ulna are respectively located.

XIII. Tibial & Fibular

Denote the medial and lateral sides of the leg in which the Tibia and Fibula are respectively located.

XVI. Palmar

Ventral surface of the forepaw/hand.

XV. Planter

Ventral surface of the hind paw/foot, which touches the ground.

XVI. Axis

The central line of the body.

XVII. Axial

Near to the axis.

XVIII. Abaxial

Away from the axis.

XIX. Deep

The structure is towards or nearer to the center of the solid organ.

XX. Superficial

The structure is nearer to the surface of the solid organs.


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