Laparotomy (Celiotomy)

       It means the opening of the abdomen for diagnostic purposes or for certain operations like enterotomy, cystotomy, gastrotomy, etc. In small animals, the Linea Alba is the usual laparotomy site. It is a white fibrous line formed by the aponeurosis of two external abdominal oblique muscles. We use umbilicus as a landmark in abdominal surgery. The linea Alba extends from xiphoid cartilage to prepubic tendon. If we want to manipulate organs like ovaries, uterus, and kidneys incision should be made caudal to the umbilicus. For the stomach, liver, and spleen incision should be made between xiphoid cartilage and umbilicus. In large animals, the usual surgical site is the Para-lumber fossa. It is situated at the distal part of the flank. It is bounded dorsally by transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae, cranially by the last rib, and caudally by the prominent ridge formed by internal abdominal oblique, which extends from tuber coxae to the ventral end of the last rib.


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