Heart percussion and auscultation

      Locate and mark the 5th rib. It is opposite to the olecranon in the ventral limb. The object is to know whether the heart is enlarged or displaced.
Absolute cardiac dullness__ the area of contact of the pericardium with the thoracic wall.


Right side

Dullness extends about 3 cm above the olecranon in the 4th intercostals space.

Left side

Dullness extends about 7 cm above the olecranon in the 4th intercostals space and about 3 cm above the olecranon in the 5th intercostals space.


Left side

In the ventral one-third of the 3rd and 4th intercostals space.

Right side

At the ventral end of the 4th rib.


Left side

At the level of the costochondral junction in the 4th and 5th intercostals space.

Right side

Dullness extends 1 to 2 cm from the sternum in the 4th and 5th space.

Cardiac puncture

   In the 4th or 5th intercostals space, a few cm above the sternum, at about the level of olecranon on the right side. The object is to obtain blood or to inject drugs.


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