Guttural pouches

      In equine, the Eustachian tube has a diverticulum the guttural pouch. Dorsally there is atlas and base of the cranium, ventrally pharynx, laterally there are pterygoid muscles and salivary glands, medially the two pouches are in contact rostrally, but caudally they lie on longus capitis and rectus capitis ventralis muscles. As the guttural pouch and eustachian tube open into the nasopharynx, they are involved in respiratory diseases. They become enlarged and there is fluctuating swelling and pain. The guttural pouches can be approached in the area of Viborg's triangle formed by the angle of mandible, lingo facial vein (external maxillary vein), and tendon of sternocephalicus.

Entrance via Eustachian tubes

       The pouch can also be drained by passing a catheter into the ventral nasal meatus into the pharyngeal orifice of the Eustachian tube, and into the guttural pouch. Some operators prefer to avoid Viborg's area and enter between the external maxillary vein and fused omohyoideus and sternohyoideus muscles.


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