Determination of crude ash in a feed sample

Total ash

             Total mineral elements as a group are determined in a sample and weighing the residue, which is called ash. Such a determination tells nothing about a specific element and the ash may include carbon from organic matter as carbonate when base-forming minerals are in access. This determination is used in the conventional feed analysis to provide a figure to arrive at the determination of nitrogen free extract (NFE) by difference. However, this ash may be used as a starting point for the determination of specific elements present in the feed sample.


            Take 5 grams feed sample in a cleaned, dried, already weight crucible, ignite the sample in a muffle furnace at 550-650oC till white-grey ash is obtained, cool the residue in a desiccator, and record the weight.


                                 Wt. of ash
               Ash % = ------------------- X 100
                              Wt. of sample


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