Cultivation of molds on the solid surface

Cultivation of molds on the solid is sometimes preferred when fungal colony morphology examination is required. Sometimes fungi can be identified by observing their colony shape, appearance, and color. Such as rotting citrus fruit have blue-green velvety growth that is penicillium. Cheese mostly carry mucor species that appear grayish white furry. While black stalk appearance belongs to Rhizopus.


  • Fungal growth sample
  • Sabouraud agar plates
  • Potato dextrose agar plates
  • Bunsen burner
  • Sterile normal saline
  • Inoculation loop


  1. Label Petri plates according to the sample name (one of Sabouraud and one of potato dextrose agar for each sample).
  2. Add some normal saline in a separate test tube for each sample.
  3. With the inoculation loop scratch, a few loopful cultures from the sample source and add in normal saline and mix well by gentle tapping.
  4. Inoculate each of the agar plates from the normal saline suspension. Never perform spreading just inoculate in the center of the Petri plate.
  5. Incubate all the plates at 25°C for 7-10 days.
  6. Observe colony morphology and appearance.


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