
Functions of prolactin

  • It is responsible for lactation, maternal behavior (mamogenesis by P4 and E2), and luteotropic (in bitch). It acts like LH.
Source: Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland


The hypothalamus releases two factors
  1. Prolactin inhibiting factor (PIF) i.e., Dopamine. It has a negative effect on prolactin release.
  2. Prolactin releasing factor (PRF), has a positive effect on prolactin release.
Note: If there is no prolactin in bitch, it will abort but if there is no prolactin in cow, it will not abort.

Dopamine antagonists

  1. Sulpiride
  2. Domperidone
Both of these are used in mare. They increase prolactin for the purpose of lactogenesis (If the mare is not producing enough milk, then use these antagonists).

Prolactin inhibitors

These are
  1. Cabergoline
  2. Bromocriptine
Both of these decrease prolactin and suppress maternal behavior, lactogenesis, and luteotropic. These are also used for abortion or pregnancy termination in bitch. Prolactin inhibitors are used for the treatment of mammary gland hypoplasia in cats and queen.

Placental lactogen

It is involved in lactation and fetal growth. It acts like a growth hormone.


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