Determination of % of fat in milk

Gerber’s method

  • Gerber’s method -inventor, Dr. Gerber, a Swiss scientist.
  • With this method the milk fat is separated from milk by strongly acidifying and rotating the milk in an especially constructed Gerber’s acid-butyrometer in the Gerber’s centrifugal machine.



  • Ten ml of sulphuric acid is drawn up into the acid pipette and run into the test-bottle.
  • Then, slowly add 11 ml of milk by carefully letting it flow down the side of the bottle so that it will not mix with the acid1Finally, 1 ml of amyl alcohol is added carefully so that in the end the three fluids float in three distinct layers.
  • The rubber stopper, dry and with no cracks, is then carefully inserted.
  • The fluids in the bottle are mixed by slowly inverting the bottle one way after the other, until a transparent solution is obtained.
  • The bottles are placed in the machine with the wide stoppered end near the circumference, opposite each other in order to maintain balance and whirled for three to four minutes at the rate of one thousand revolutions per minute.
  • The fat collects in a clear yellow column at the top of the neck.



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