Determination of crude fiber in a feed sample


             In a feed sample, the CH2O is present as a crude fiber (celluloses, hemicelluloses, and other polysaccharides) and as nitrogen-free extract (NFE). After removal of moisture and fatty material from the given sample, it is boiled with a weak acid then with a weak alkali for the same time for the removal of protein, sugar, and starches, and then crude fiber can be determined along with some mineral materials.


  • Beaker
  • Thick linen cloth for filtration
  • Heating apparatus
  • Crucible
  • Weighing balance
  • Muffle furnace
  • Watch
  • Hot air oven


             Take 2 grams of oven-dried feed sample, remove the fat contents with the soxhlet apparatus. Then digest the fat-free sample in 1.23% H2SO4 solution (200ml) at simmering temperature for 30 minutes, filter the contents through thick linen cloth, and wash the residue. Transfer the residue in another beaker containing 1.25% NaOH solution (200ml)  and digest the sample for 30 minutes at simmering temperature. Filter the contents and wash the residue with distilled water. Transfer residue in another already weighed crucible, dry it in a hot air oven for 24 hours at 100oC. record the dry weight of the sample, then ignite the sample in a muffle furnace at 600oC till grey or white ash is obtained (3-4 hours), again record the weight of the ash.


                  Wt. of dry residue  -  Wt. of the ash
    CF % = ---------------------------------------------------  X 100
                               Wt. of the sample


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