Test for screening cyanide (HCN) toxic level in fodder (Cyanide poisoning)


  1. Rodenticide
  2. Chemical weapon (in world war-II, 1 million people were died due to cyanide poisoning)
  3. Terror weapon


  • Plants damaged due to frost
  • Wilted plants
  • Stunted plants
  • Excess use of 2-4-D-dichloro phenoxy acetic acid as an herbicide. It increases cyanide level in fodder
  • Sudangrass
  • Johnsongrass (high cyanide level)
  • Level of cyanide is high in leaves as compared to nitrate in stem
  • Bitter almond have cyanide
  • Fertilizer “Calcium cyanide”

Toxic dose (lethal dose)

4 mg/kg of animal weight

Cyanide is volatile and becomes vapors in air.

MOA (Mode of action)

It causes cytotoxic hypoxia (Cells are unable to use oxygen) so oxygen becomes surplus in the blood rather than in tissue, mucous membranes become cyanotic, blood color changes to cherry red. Post mortem lesions include hemorrhages in the heart and GIT.

Clinical signs in live animals

  1. Hypersalivation
  2. Muscular tremors
  3. Lacrimation
  4. Severe colic pain (abdominal pain)
  5. Convulsion
  6. Mydriasis (dilation of the pupil)
  7. The bright red mucous membrane
  8. Rapid death occurs.


Sulfanegen: It converts cyanide into thiocyanide (less toxic).


Vit B12 or inj. Cobalmine


  1. Qualitative test
  2. Quantitative test

Procedure for qualitative test

  1. Take 2g green, chopped, and dry fodder in the test tube.
  2. Add a few drops of distilled water to moisten the fodder in the test tube.
  3. After this adds a few drops of chloroform.

Preparation of picrate strip

  • Add an equal amount of 1% picric acid and 10% sodium carbonate in a beaker.
  • Take Whatman no. 1 filter paper and dip in a solution.
  • Then immediately hang the paper in the test tube.
  • Cover the mouth of the test tube with aluminum foil.
  • Make sure that the paper will not touch the sides and solution.
  • After 5 minutes color starts changing and it will take about 5-6 hours to change the strip color from yellow to brick red.
  • Brick red color indicates cyanide is present.


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