ED50 and LD50
ED50 (effective dose)
It is related to dose. It is also called a median response. It is defined as a dose at which drugs show 50 % of its maximum response.LD50 (lethal dose)
It is related to percentage of the population. It is defined as the concentration of a drug that causes the death of a 50 % test population.Lethal: Term used in the case of animals.
Toxic: Term used in the case of humans.
Therapeutic window
Dose at which drug shows maximum response but there is no observable toxic effect. It has two types- The therapeutic window narrows.
- Therapeutic window is wider.
Therapeutic index (T.I)
It is the ratio of LD50 to ED50LD50
T.I = ---------
Note: High T.I is good. It means a high margin of safety and vice versa.
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